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Musings and rantings about...EVERYTHING.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I miss California so so much...

I did not sleep well on Saturday night. In fact, I have been feeling sad ever since I came back to Singapore.

I miss California so much! Sunnyvale and the surrounds....

I miss the freedom. It is hard to define. It is just a feeling deep inside my heart.

I miss the weather. The weather which I could just walk out in the outdoors without much thinking. As and when I like it.

I miss the peace. It is just so pleasing to the mind and heart to be peaceful everyday.

I need to get myself back there again.


  • At 6:04 AM, Blogger The Baker Girl said…

    They say freedom and peace are a state of mind and can be achieved wherever you are. But that's easier said than done. Well, you're kid-free and very mobile. Sooooo, you know..... :)

  • At 6:51 AM, Blogger tigerfish said…

    It is definitely not easy to do. The encompassing environments are just so different here and there. There is just too much "noise" here. Well, if I choose to ignore all the "noise"...errr....well maybe I can be as "free" as I want....but I can't.

    Let's see what happens. :P


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