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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Portfolio management vs Program management

I woke up this morning, suddenly thinking of project management. Don't ask me why. Must be one of those weird days. I could not remember the differences between program and portfolio management all of a sudden. Started referring to some "old" notes.

What will make me remember in future ? In a gist (I'm leaving out most details and capturing the essence) :

Program management
- a pool of INTERDEPENDENT projects, working towards a greater company objective or goal.

Portfolio management - a pool of projects, some of which may be INDEPENDENT to one another, towards a strategic objective of the company.

More specifically, if Company A has a business strategy - to develop Green Energy in the Road Map.

Then PROGRAM BIOFUEL can be broken down into smaller interdependent projects -
Project A - growing fuel-ready corn for ethanol production
Project B - using used vegetable oil for diesel
Project C - researching into cellulose - algae to breakdown biomass for energy production

Then I could also have PROJECT SOLAR that is independent from BIOFUEL (sort of) but together, all these projects forms a portfolio and works towards a common strategy of GREEN ENERGY.

Am I right or wrong ?


  • At 6:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think this is pretty much the jist of it. However - and I know you said 'sort of' - there probably is some level of interdependency among projects in the portfolio, also. However, I think you correctly described the program as some element of strategy, supported by a coordinated set of projects.
    John Reiling, PMP
    Project Management Training Online


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