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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Contrasting views all a matter of perspectives

My Dad is going to jump at this - "S'pore top choice for expat parents" published in My Paper, 9 October 2008. It re-emphasized his point that Singapore......"is very good what ...a lot of foreigners want to come here..."

Yes & No. If your automobile and gas are paid for, your living (meals and transport) expenses are paid for, housing paid for, your children's education are (partially?)paid for, your medical bills paid for, who would NOT say - S'pore is TOP choice ?

TODAY, also 9 October 2008, had another report on "Here today, gone tomorrow" of expat children. I have no question about a good early education they are able to receive in S'pore. Most importantly, they can make use of this opportunity here to gain perspectives on the Asian culture, learn another language - all these eventually help them to gain access to MORE (note: I did not say "better") opportunities.

Get the missing link of these two tabloids? So, expat parents and children are just here to tap and make use of the good system and opportunity, but will eventually leave one day...back to their home country or somewhere better.

So, Dad (I wish) should know going out from Singapore does not mean not returning. Singapore is but so limited in the kind of industries it is trying to nurture. Other than IT, biotech (maybe) and oil & gas, I wonder where will all the engineering(civil, mechanical) grads go to - take some MBA and go into investment banking, probably ? And unfortunately, Singapore does not have many relevant opportunities for hubby. If other countries "need" his skills/knowledge, just like how Singapore "need" them, then we are just following the footsteps of those foreigners whom you cited as your example, right?

More convincing to be done to open up their perspectives.

And of course, still thankful we are alive today, to keep dreams burning.


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