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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Bamboo - the next new performance material

Well, they say "longevity" is the new "sustainability" in the future go-green concept. Well, if you hear corn being pursued for future fuel, using natural materials rather than man-made for fabrics....hmmm...I start asking if all these are "protecting the environment" ? Let's take an example of Asus Eco Book which is supposed to be made of laminated bamboo strips. The laptop will be practically toxin-free since a natural wood is used. But can you imagine how much bamboo has to be harvested if bamboo is indeed proven to work to replace plastics and metals? Now they need to ensure heat insulation and other reliability issues work right through in bamboo laptops and/or other electronic gadgets. Is bamboo casing just for aesthetics or performance ?

Bamboo is even touted as the next "metal frame" for bicycles?


  • At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bamboo is extremely fast growing, strong and durable so I would see no problem with it in certain applications. Best of all it's renewable so that's a definite plus! As an aside it would probably also help in the reduction of greenhouse gasses (depending on the manufacturing processes and subsequent "costs" involved) so that would also be beneficial.


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