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Monday, December 10, 2007

Find directions without GPS

You lost your way in the middle of New York city. You do not have a handy mobile GPS to help you. Bad luck! No internet connection in the proximity. More bad luck!!! Your cellphone to the rescue! Google's My Location collects information from the nearest cell-phone tower to estimate a person's location within a distance of about 1,000 meters. This resolution is just fine when you lose your directions while searching a restaurant or a store.

Well, if you do have an internet connection, Plazes (a Swiss location-tracking service) may also be able to help. This service is established based on a relatively small database of Wi-Fi hot spots around the world, manually geotagged by Plazes users. Using a Wi-Fi connection, you are able to establish your location based on a "history" of addresses or a business names, tagged and "stored" by previous users who have logged the Wi-Fi hot spots' location.

Which do you prefer? I like the former which uses just the cell phone since I'm a person who is not that mobile it seems. I do not carry a laptop for internet connection most of the times. Even my cellphone does not have internet connectivity.


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