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Monday, September 17, 2007

Is there any problem with Crocs technology ?

Who owns a pair or more than a pair of Crocs? When Crocs were first available in the market and when I saw it, I actually found it quite ugly. Oops! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't really like design because I thought the Crocs shoe-tip is big and round, makes one looks like Charlie Chaplin. :O

Ok. Design aside, Crocs made it by its functions - flexibility, grip, and light-weight. The non-slip technology of Crocs is actually from Quebec, Canada...did you know that? Of course, the technology has been now out-licensed. Crocs will also launch a clothing line soon. I'm just trying to imagine what will that be - funky colors, rubbery shirts or jackets? On the other hand (not so good news), Crocs maybe under attack due to a few recent accidents reported, as far as from Singapore and Japan. Some reports claim that the shoes get caught in the "teeth" at the bottom or top of the escalator, or in the crack between the steps and the side of the escalator.


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