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Monday, September 17, 2007

Creativity - the Tony Buzan perspective

Few days ago, I was listening to a vodcast by Tony Buzan - the well-known mindmapper. The topic revolves around CREATIVITY. There were a few pointers he brought out that I'm still able to remember -

1. The worldwide global trend ~ Decline in creativity towards a child progression in education
Example: Before school, the child's creativity was 95%. After junior and high, it might decline to 70% and below and as as adults, psychologists gave a miserable 20% or less creativity

2. For countries such as China and Japan, it is normal for creativity to decline :O

3. But NORMAL is NOT NATURAL, says he

4. We have to LEARN "How to learn"

5. Routinize and linearize DISENGAGE the brain

Now, I have to ask you - in the practical world, if you don't follow SOP (standards of procedure) or chart down a table for project resourcing, timeline etc, who will chase after you ? Will it be accepted ? NO NO is not going to work, although how very true his points may sound. But if companies are able to staff "such a Buzan-individual" in a department/section that may be able to set rules or tweak the system, it may still bring some hope. Or maybe his thoughts could work in a department like marketing. Or maybe in a industry like advertising and branding. But when it's down to operations, it will make things really messy. If I articulate and break down further, it may work in a work culture of COLLABORATION (that emphasize customer intimacy) or CULTIVATION (that encourages disruptive innovation) BUT it is not possible to inculcate this Buzan-though in a organization culture of CONTROL (about operations) and COMPETENCE(about product leadership).


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