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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

More about retaining employees

I have seen real examples of how MNCs eagerly and excitedly look outwards for middle managers and executives and neglected the source of talents WITHIN the organization. WHY? Why was there no proper training given to potential talents IN the company so that these current employees could take on some middle management positions? There should be some kind of succession training/management in the company where the HR and key top management in affected divisions/departments identify a few potential inside talents within the company, and train these talents to "succeed" some of the management positions. Some of the employees might have spent years with the company, and know the company best in terms of culture, workflow etc. Valued employees and internal talents tend to know factors leading to business success and competitive differentiation within a company, as well. They also speak positively about the company, have no immediate intention to leave, and most of the times, willingly put in extra effort to ensure strong company performance and improve both revenue and productivity. That is surely a win-win situation and synergy for both the employer and the employee, and I ask companies to see far, be long-sighted and invest in human capital (invest in deserving ones, of course!).

Further to what I commented here, a recent report I read in the newspapers has shown that employee engagement only tend to be higher at "best employer" organizations. The positive correlation between employee engagement/retention and business success is something that more "best employers"' recognize, compared to "non-best employers". Hey, isn't it time for EVERY organization to think of this ?


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