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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Are they the same person?

I came across the Chinese newspapers and saw the picture of Chinese child actress (金铭, pronounced Jin Ming, in Mandarin). Oh, she has grown up! I remember watching her in Qiong Yao (琼瑶) love stories-turned-TV dramas. She was cute and innocent then.

I have not seen her on TV and other media for such a long time until today, in the newspapers. There are reports saying she has grown fatter and even wore revealing, sexy clothes. She is now 27 years old.

HUH? Are these two...THE SAME PERSON? They look so different to me. 女大可以十八变!

Some people really do change drastically in appearance - compare yourself when you were 10 and when you were 30. Are they two different person?

Source: Zaobao


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