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Musings and rantings about...EVERYTHING.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wholesale gasoline, wholesale price, wholesale retailer - there's a queue!

Whenever any petrol station in Singapore has pump prices increased, the petrol stations in the entire (almost) of Singapore follow suit. It is competitive, and consumers have the last laugh, of course.

It is different here in California, and for the whole of United States. Gas prices differ from state to state due to different state regulations (eg. smog); and even within a state - gas prices can differ as much as US$0.30/gal, city to city, district to district, town to town.

So, when gas price is relatively cheaper, you see a queue like that -

Costco is a wholesale members-only club. You pay $50 as basic member, and hopefully, "recover" what you have paid upfront as member, from the savings you get when shopping in this wholesale retailer.


  • At 9:58 PM, Blogger Fleck said…

    In S'pore, you have the discount game. When a petrol station has a bigger discount than others, you'll see the car queue spilling over to the road. Sometimes, it causes traffic jam.

  • At 10:44 PM, Blogger tigerfish said…

    Yup, usually SPC. Other than that, it is really competitive for that 10cent difference :D

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