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Friday, January 13, 2012

How to save with Mambo Sprouts - Part 2

The latest deal coupon-ing with Mambo Sprouts (Manufacturer coupons) and Whole Foods Market's (Vendor coupons) Whole Deal must be on those CLIF and LUNA energy bars.

Retail at Whole Foods:

(1) CLIF:
Retail price: $0.99/bar

Mambo Sprouts coupon $1.00 off for 4 bars or more
WHFs coupon $1.00 for 3 bars or more

Buy 4 bars and get $2.00 off. So that is $0.99x4 - $2.00 = $1.96
and $0.49/bar

What a steal!

(2) LUNA:
Retail price: $0.99/bar

Mambo Sprouts coupon $0.50 any one bar
WHFs coupon $0.50 any one bar

Buy a bar, get $1.00 off. So 0.99x1 - $1.00 = FREE!

FREE taste good, isn't it!


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