Freeze the pain - say goodbye to muscles aches and pain
My hubby used to play rugby when he was much younger and now suffers from some of his old injuries such as knee joint pain and muscle back pain. The worst part about his injuries is that the pain (sometimes acute) can occur anytime when he is well into his normal daily routine. It
can be so painful when the pain shoots down from his lower back down to his limbs/legs. In addition, his knees will sometimes start to hurt at the joints when he is on the treadmill for some light exercises. Whenever these pains and old injuries strike, it affects his mood at work since he can't be as agile as before. Even standing up, lifting himself from his seat/chair at the work desk can be the most strenuous physical task for that day. And when he is in pain in the evening, he does not get a good sleep for that night since turning and tossing on the bed means pain.
Oh, if only he could Freeze It! - freeze the pain. I came across that the Freeze It Gel could relieve sore muscles; muscle sprains and strains; back, shoulder, neck pain; and even arthritis, knee, hip joints pains by gently rubbing the Freeze It gel on the skin surrounding a sore muscle or joint. Since my hubby still heads to the gym for exercise when he has slightly sore muscles, I need to remind him to apply Freeze It directly to the sore muscles area and massage in to the affected area before exercise.
The Freeze It Gel can be used as many as 4 times per day. For arthritis pain, simply rub and massage the gel all around the affected joint or joints for pain relief. For sore muscle pain, massage the gel into the sore muscles and the gel provides a "cool-revitalizing" feeling and quickly delivers pain relief. This can be effective in helping people who have trouble sleeping due to persistent pain & discomfort.

Oh, if only he could Freeze It! - freeze the pain. I came across that the Freeze It Gel could relieve sore muscles; muscle sprains and strains; back, shoulder, neck pain; and even arthritis, knee, hip joints pains by gently rubbing the Freeze It gel on the skin surrounding a sore muscle or joint. Since my hubby still heads to the gym for exercise when he has slightly sore muscles, I need to remind him to apply Freeze It directly to the sore muscles area and massage in to the affected area before exercise.
The Freeze It Gel can be used as many as 4 times per day. For arthritis pain, simply rub and massage the gel all around the affected joint or joints for pain relief. For sore muscle pain, massage the gel into the sore muscles and the gel provides a "cool-revitalizing" feeling and quickly delivers pain relief. This can be effective in helping people who have trouble sleeping due to persistent pain & discomfort.
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