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Musings and rantings about...EVERYTHING.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Bra Shopping!

Bra Shopping!

Posted by Virgil Burks

I did something today that most women avoid like the plague, I went bra shopping. I remember back in the day I wanted a bra that was sexy and came in a certain color. Today I wanted something that would make me look somewhat normal. Of course this is coming from someone in their 30?s and has a couple of kids. Prior to this shopping trip I only had three really good bras and decided one or two more would not hurt. So after I cleaned up the breakfast dishes I managed to drag my youngest away from the television to go with me to the store. She was enjoying a new channel we have from After my daughter and I arrived at the store, I spent an hour trying on many bras while she spent the hour getting tangled in them. As I untangled my daughter I felt a bit of sadness come over me. I was no longer looking at the pretty sexy colors. I had a boring white bra in my hand. I left the store realizing there was a part of my life that had changed, but looking at my daughter, I realize it is worth it.